My-Walk-Tracker is not just a walk tracker, it motivates to walk the extra mile in a creative and fun way with its latest addition, the Pixel-walk. Collect pixel-by-pixel, step-by-step.
Using this app for over a year now and I can fully relate to the motivation part. Just updated and collected my fist pixels, this is truly a different way to present my walk stats. Much more engaging to look how the mystery image grows as staring at the graphs. Well done.
I just started using it for a few walk. Very simple to use, no sign-up or login. Just a few basic data and hitting the start button. Oh yes, need to activate the Pixel walk (and another stuff too) but well, that’s properly a matter of preferences. All in all, the stats are clear but what captivated me are the pixels. It’s so different to all the others with numbers, trophies or badges