Terrible platform. Not as advertised. 30 day money back guarantee “no questions asked” is not honored by seller. Seller and customer service practice stall tactics such as “having issues with refund process. Please file a dispute on paypal”. Then different agents reply to your email and behave the same way as the first: offer a product of my choice as an apology. Ask for purchase email, then claim they’re having issues with the refund process. Over and over. Affiliate (Mike from Maine - Youtuber) has not honored his guarantee that he will help get full refund on behalf of customers who buy from him. Lastly, Paypal closed all my disputes in seller’s favor despite providing all the proofs (advertisement, 30 day money back guarantee, email thread with seller). I suspect they have someone working with them in Paypal or they know at least one way to work the system in their favor. So for those wanting to purchase this product just to try it out, unless you’re willing to go through the same experience as me, I would advise you to beware of this particular seller. He’s a scammer and I won’t be surprised if any or all other products he sells are fraud.