The best alternatives to Our SolAR are Space Era, Jott, and 8Planets. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
Simply point your iPhone or iPad to the Sky and get to know more about every object you can see. Check 120 000 stars, 1200 satellites tracked in real-time, constellations, Messier and Caldwell deep space objects, all Solar system and several meteor showers.
8Planets helps you discover how the planets aligned and move around over time so that you feel the scale of the Solar System. By giving you quick and easy access to the Solar System everywhere, 8Planets will make you feel that the Solar System is close to us.
SkyView® brings stargazing to everyone. Simply point your iPhone, iPad, or iPod at the sky to identify stars, constellations, planets, satellites, and more!