At Mozilla, we’re a global community of technologists, thinkers and builders working together to keep the Internet alive and accessible, so people worldwide can be informed contributors and creators of the Web. We believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to individual growth and our collective future.
Distraction Blocker (now inactive) is a Chrome extension that prevents you from getting distracted on the web through real-time interventions. We save users over an hour a day by intercepting on distracting sites and showing reports with actionable insights.
Pick up your work right where you left off! Ditto saves your open tabs, documents, and applications to a workspace. Open, close, and transition between your workspaces in one click.
Tab Manager Plus is for the regular Chrome Tab addict. Too many tabs? How to quickly filter them? With Tab Manager plus, of course. Lost a tab in a window for the 500th time? Just open TMP and start typing right away. It'll match all open tabs by title and url. You can even make it work with incognito tabs - if you want. Handy little Tab Manager.
Infinite Tabs Manager is your friendly neighbourhood browser Extension which will help you organise your messy Tabs and group them into a handy Dashboard. You can group by selecting multiple tabs group tabs from the same site and Group every Tabs with a single click. Yeah IKR, its just Awesome. Try it out and Let us know what you think :)
KanbanTab is the ideal default tab to help you efficiently organize tasks and build the momentum to get things done! This tool is completely free with no ads and requires no registration.
SplitIt is the easiest way to split the tab with friends when dining out — no more headaches from calculating totals. • Upload a receipt to begin splitting items with friends • Select who's on the receipt, update and claim items • Easily Venmo friends
Tabulator is a Chrome extension that tries to ease the pain of managing tons of tabs. Right from your new tab page, you can - view all your open tabs - filter through open tabs, by title or url - switch to a tab, usually after filtering - close tabs
Oogur is a marketing campaign link management application. This easy-to-use application goes beyond the link. Build trackable links to support your digital marketing campaigns. See precisely which sources perform best by gaining valuable, consistent Google Analytics campaign reporting data. Sign up for a free, single user account today. is a window, session and tab manager extension for Google Chrome that helps you organise your windows, tabs and sessions in one convenient place.
SplitUp! is a tab manager aiming to organize your multiple tabs in a fun way. Mute annoying music quickly, close and export your tabs onto your device. Enjoy user-friendly interface and exciting upcoming updates!
Boomerang is a simple, lightweight and fast extension that allows you to switch between your previous and current tab at the speed of thought. Simply press Command + Shift + Left Arrow Key and you are back to your previous tab in seconds! (Note: use the Control key on Windows instead of Command).