Summari is a web and mobile app that can summarize long text articles into bullet points. This allows you to filter content more effectively and save time. People preview a 2-hour movie with a trailer: we make this possible for text.
Alfread is a new kind of a read later app. It helps you to actually read saved articles. Or skip them. No pressure. Alfread helps you rediscover your love for reading what you've saved. One article at a time.
Use Surfer to research, audit, write, optimize, and generate SEO-optimized articles in 20 minutes. Everything you need to create a comprehensive content strategy that yields real results is a click away with Surfer! Find us on YouTube: @SurferSEO
StepShot Guides Pro allows you to quickly create step-by-step tutorials and videos. Fully automate the way you create any help article or training material: - capture your steps with every mouse click - generate step descriptions - code-free customization - save 90% of your time
Pocket 2 Kindle is a service that sends your Pocket list to your Kindle. You can customize P2K to deliver your newest and oldest items, or try a random assortment of saved items for fun.
Feather allows you to save articles from any source and read them later offline, anywhere in a formatted way. It makes reading much easier by removing clutter from webpages and formatting it into a way that is native on iOS across all devices.