

The all-in-one platform for effective SEO
38 reviews

What is Ranktracker?

Research keywords, analyse the competition, Check & Monitor backlinks and track your search engine ranking – all with a single, powerful platform. Rank tracker harnesses world-class data sources to help you get ahead in SEO, whether you’re a small startup or a large agency.

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1.95/5 based on 38 reviews
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Laurenti Arnault
2 reviews
Felix is a developer-turned-scammer! He disabled the free-for-life AppSumo accounts of those who trusted and gave him money when he was desperate to grow the business. Thanks for showing yourself; now we (users and investors) know who you are.
3 reviews
I got scammed by the founders of RankTracker. Just like many others, I bought the lifetime deal and now I’m being forced to buy a yearly Support plan I don’t need before I can regain access to the tool I paid for.
Simon Rowe
12 reviews
Creator is an obnoxious man who sells lifetime deals, then freezes your account until you pay him.for support to unlock. A rodent of a man.
Hisham w.
3 reviews
inaccurate data, low quality tools, semdash free account is stronger than this tool
Bob Wild
2 reviews
Ranktracker Great Tool, shady practices RankTracker, a remarkable program for SEO enthusiasts, has unfortunately taken a disappointing turn. The company's decision to lock out its loyal LTD (Lifetime Deal) users and push them to pay for annual support is a letdown. Many of us early supporters had stood by RankTracker during its infancy, but these recent business practices raise concerns. Despite its exceptional software, these practices cast a shadow on an otherwise outstanding tool. These questionable business practices have left many with reservations about their commitment to their customers. At the time of writing this review I've been locked out for several week. All I want is what I paid for!
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