Congratulations @abhinay_kumar8 @sanket_goyal @sharmayash on leveraging the GenAI/LLMs in building something of great utility for organizations. This can play a great role in improving the efficiency and bridging the gap between deriving business/product insights and the data platforms which currently has several manual layers and it often takes a lot of time and effort to build valuable analytical solutions to be used by different stakeholders. The text input based queries look to be enabling a lot of business and other non-technical folks to quickly perform day-to-day adhoc analyses independently hence, thereby truly fulfilling the self-serve motive.
I just hope to see similar advancement of data infrastructure in the industry in terms of centralization, organization, data modeling, governance and security which can further enable products like SayData to cater to usecases at a large scale.
Looking forward to try it myself regularly to explore and uncover some more of its functionalities.