Pretty good service. Virtual Desktops usually come full of crap... need to set up a private network and an Image and bla bla bla. Shells gives you the simplicity of just spinning up a machine, no bs: choose the OS and boom!
I did find the lower performance plans to be a little too low (very slow), but now using the higher tiers the virtual machine is pretty good.
For me, this is a great solution for having an always on machine without getting the wife to complain why the computer is on all the time :)
If you want to dip a toe in self-hosting, this is a great start where you can have a Server and a Desktop at the same time to learn the ins and outs of it while maintaining access to a full GUI before going full on terminal
I love that it gives us personal computers - I don't see any other services like this. I was using commercial VPSs before, completely shifted to Shells for personal purposes <3