Turn selfies into personalized greeting cards. Cards can be signed, printed, and delivered globally! Upload 10 pictures and get unique greeting cards perfect for Birthdays, Congratulations, Weddings, Farewells, Christmas, and many more occasions.
After both receiving and sending multiple silly robot cards this year, I can't fault the ease, quality, and originality. I'm loving the new card creator, I can dream up the most personal cards with just 3 words.
I received an Easter card from Matt - it made me laugh!
I can definitely see myself organizing the family birthday cards with this. We currently use an online card creator that is "fine" but nowhere as creative as this looks like it will be. For me the more random the picture is, the better.
Really original way to receive a card which can be normally quite generic!The designs look fun and I can already think of who I would want to send a card to!