Get what you're looking for from any recipe URL. Strip away the life story, the email list popups, and the other fluff that makes it hard to find the recipe itself.
EatKind can veganize any dish you like! Our AI-powered search engine helps you find plant-based alternatives to meat, egg and dairy ingredients for literally any recipe on the planet. Try it now at!
Only Recipe App removes all the clutter from any recipe website and displays only the instructions and ingredients in a clean and simple layout. You don't have to read through 1000-word blogs to find the recipe.
A nutritional calculator. Simply scan your recipe, add a link, or even submit your invention and Voila! The app will display the nutritional information: calories, fats, sugars, protein, carbs and more!
While burning the midnight oil in quarantine I decided to build Impact Recipe. It's a way for social enterprises, nonprofits, and other social ventures to get high quality webs experiences built for no upfront costs. :)
Hulog helps you create timestamped logs effortlessly. You can take notes during a meeting or during a service outage and the timestamp will be automatically saved for every note. You can then export it straight to Markdown for your summary or postmortem! 🎉