Swoup saves you money when you shop so you can use that saved money to fund what's important to you: pay down student loan debt, fund a future education, support your favorite charities, or save for other goals like a wedding, vacation or retirement. Why use your money if you don't have to. Swoup does the work, all you do is swipe and shop.
It’s so easy to use that it actually is what caused me to get a college savings plan (529) for my kids. Now, I use use the app, save money on what I’m buying, and put that savings away for college. It’s so much better than regular couponing.
Swoup is such a great app! It's so easy to use and it has so many products to choose from. Being a New Yorker, Walgreens/Duane Reade's are always around the corner, so I'm constantly in there spending money, so using Swoup to save me money on everyday products is a life changer.
Everyone needs this app!
Get this app now and watch how much money you save--you'd be amazed.
I’m not one to cut coupons or ever be that organized But with this app - it makes it so easy. You choose products that you normally buy with just a swipe and the app helps you save on these items when you go to the store to purchase them. Easy !
Love that it also gives you options to save your savings, donate your savings or put it towards future funds like schooling.
such a great app. I highly recommend it. It’s easy, smart and reliab