Stay on track, keep projects organized, and hit deadlines. See project progress, track individual tasks, plan sprints, integrate with other tools, and achieve successful launches.
Clear your mind, stay organized, and be productive by simply writing *things* down. Twos is more than a notes app, *things* allow you to capture notes, todos, reminders, calendar events & lists, in one simple place. Be a better you by writing *things* down in Twos ✌️
Task managers should not make organizing your daily tasks difficult. Your everyday tasks are not just 'Todo' or 'Done', but can hang in various states. Tasks helps you get a hold on your daily tasks through a beautiful app that Apple should’ve made.
Features: - shows several images of eye exercises - sound alert option to notify you with voice when the break starts and ends - inactivity option - progressive notifications - menu icon work time indicator - multiple monitors
Do what matters most. Daily Four is all about getting the important things done with minimal stress. Reflect on your past achievements whenever you need a dose of perspective.
Want to beat that eye strain? Happy Eyes can help with our smart web app that will give you a gentle reminder to take a break every 20 minutes and uses the 20-20-20 rule. Try it now)
Features: * Focus on a single task * Shortcut for everything * Menu-bar app * Organize your tasks with todos, bookmarks and notes * Drag & Drop file as bookmarks * Open-sourced written with Electron, React, Redux
Prevent eyestrain following the 20-20 rule. Take a 20-second break from screens every 20 minutes and look something far away. The App will help you keep track of time and remind you when it's time to take a break and Rest Your Eyes.
Create Cues with Cue It! A Cue is a list of multiple timers in a single sequence - when one timer ends, the next timer starts right away! Cue It can help you keep track of time while working out, cooking, or doing any thing else on a timed schedule.