Terra.do Learning for Action

Terra.do Learning for Action

12-week bootcamp to help you transition into climate work
17 reviews

What is Terra.do Learning for Action?

Terra.do selects talented individuals who care about climate, takes them through an intensive online bootcamp taught by top experts and then exposes them to climate work opportunities (part-time/full/entrepreneurial) that need their skills.

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5/5 based on 17 reviews
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David Lacklen
1 review
Excellent course and facilitators with a great community.
Phoebe Moore
1 review
Terra is an incredible platform, bringing together like minds from all around the world to tackle climate change. I love the team’s positivity and authenticity, the 121 support they give fellows, and the commitment to taking action which runs through everything they do. I’m just starting on my climate journey with Terra, but have already connected with inspiring people all over the world, and can’t wait to get stuck into the content over the weeks ahead.
Blair Swedeen
1 review
I took their flagship Climate Change: Learning for Action fellowship. It turbocharged my knowledgeable on climate change over 12 weeks, based on instructor-led sessions with some of the world's leading experts in their areas.
Tristan Pollock
105 reviews
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