The application is apt for all my experience sharing requirements. I always needed a place to look back on my memories and now I've found it.
In a nutshell, a great new way of telling your story. More than showing it to others, I use it to easily store my memories in the most beautiful manner.
This platform is not about travel but experience. Days for Information providing travel- websites are over. Many websites provide user generated content but they only provide information from eyes of Traveler and not local people. So, you end up having a platform where everyone knows too less and thus, repetitive boring information. Trell works on providing information from eyes of both travellers and locales. It is a truly democratic platform.
Trell is a community of interesting peoples who love to explore the world whenever they get time, i am addicted to trell and love to see new posts about food & places, most of them are in my bucket list, tryout feature is awesome.
What would you say makes Trell unique? There are video sharing and live video on almost every social platform out there.