Visual Studio

Visual Studio

Visual Studio: IDE and Code Editor for Software Developers and Teams
0 reviews5 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

Nik Mil
used this to buildEvryboEvrybo
(148 points)
My go-to editor for its speed, reliability, and robust extensions.
Jakob Hoeg
used this to buildvscode-pokemonvscode-pokemon
(121 points)
If it wasn't for Visual Studio Code, this idea would've never come up.
MIDIGEN: Melody Generator
used this to buildMIDIGEN: Melody GeneratorMIDIGEN: Melody Generator
(85 points)
Visual Studio: IDE and Code Editor for Software Developers and Teams
Daniel Adeboye
used this to buildWaspsWasps
(109 points)
We currently use Visual Studio Code due to the marketplace availability.
Expert Book Recommendations
Expert Book Recommendations
Visual Studio Code is one of the best code writing tools out there.
RAGNA Desktop
Sven Stadhouders
used this to buildRagnaRAGNA Desktop
(78 points)
As a developer, I appreciate VSCode’s extensive extension ecosystem and seamless integration with version control systems like Git, making it a more powerful and efficient IDE than alternatives
BlockSite Pomodoro
Sashank Bhagavatula
used this to buildBlockSite PomodoroBlockSite Pomodoro
(46 points)
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight IDE that does its job while also being user friendly.