With Webscape, we're transforming how you access, organize, and remix information, whether it's saving web pages, searching documents, automating tasks, or leveraging AI interactions, Webscape brings it all together seamlessly.
I transferred over from HistorySearch, the less-robust version of webscape.ai that's now been sunsetted. To be honest, I was very happy with HistorySearch and never had any problems at all in 4 years of using. However, Webscape is even more powerful and robust and has a much wider feature set. Great product, very affordable.
@martijn_verbove Congratulations on your launch, Martijn! The "Command" tab is an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to search through all websites in one convenient place. Bravo! 👏 I absolutely adore using it because it provides me with quick access to "teleport" across the entire Web. Proud to be an early user of Webspace!
I've had Webscape installed for almost a year now. It's a mental relief knowing I don't have to remember where I found any piece of information because I know Webscape has my back as soon as I click the add-page button.
Very interesting! I'm using Collections and tab Grouping in Edge and some other tab management add-ons. Webscape sound like a one-stop shop for all my needs. A Youtube Subscriptions update would be a great addition. Loving my trial now! Would there be any lifetime access plan?
I love Webscape! As a long term user (7+ years) of Historsearch which Webscape is build off I can witness to how useful it has been to my day to day productivity. Webscape takes Historysearch to the next level and I've been able to start actively using my web search in a more intuitive way. It has really helped me to use my past research in current projects and recall some of the information that I looked up weeks ago but couldn't find again. Very useful tool as a project manager who juggles multiple projects.