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  • Ben Parkison

    Ben Parkison

    Founder and CTO @ Trelliswork
    14 points
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    Ben Parkison
    Ben Parkison
    started a discussion

    Community building for SaaS products

    Just listened to this great conversation: https://open.spotify.com/episode/64CbOzlVTYM86A35tSaHhG What tips/pitfalls do people have related to community building for or around a SaaS product? What strategies work best?
    Ben Parkison
    Ben Parkison
    started a discussion

    Novel Ways to Share Small Feature Updates

    We're toying around with repeatable, bite-sized videos that we can share with our community to socialize new features and also just continually get eyes on what we're building. Trick is to make them easily repeatable (we don't really have time for this!) but still keep it interesting. Anyone else trying things like this? Thoughts? https://www.loom.com/share/58d79ef0347141c7a0602a039cad5dc9
    Ben Parkison
    Ben Parkison
    started a discussion

    What unique rituals have you seen on high performing teams?

    A great team has its own rituals that create space for culture, creativity, and just stepping out of the grind if only for a moment. What are good one's you've seen or been a part of? Doesn't have to be about the work - often these are more about the people.
    Ben Parkison
    Ben Parkison
    started a discussion

    Podcasting as Part of Build in Public

    Hey Product Hunt community! Three months ago I got a discussion going here in the merits and challenges of podcasting as part of building in public. Well, we did it! https://trelliswork.com/podcast For our product, Trelliswork (launching soon), we started a weekly podcast with the intention of being "radically transparent" in what we were up to. We've really pushed to make sure it doesn't...
    Ben Parkison
    Ben Parkison
    started a discussion

    Who actually built for Google Glass, à-la the PH logo?

    What was it? Bonus points if it was for cats
    Ben Parkison
    Ben Parkison
    started a discussion

    How do you balance time spent building vs. everything else (evangelizing, funding, networking...)?

    Especially for a new product headed for launch!
    Ben Parkison
    Ben Parkison
    started a discussion

    What is your experience in podcasting (producing or listening) as part of "building in public?"

    Effective marketing tool? Useful self reflection? Anything off limits?
    Ben Parkison
    Ben Parkison
    left a comment
    Focus on small problems. “There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.”
    Cansu Aydede
    What's your secret for staying motivated and not feeling discouraged?