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simply this: work hard at finding the salient thing to say to that market, because no matter how well or how often you say the wrong thing, it's still wrong
What would be your biggest bit of advice for marketing a new product to a small market?
Helen Hoile
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How to create a launch video for youtube channel!
Savan Vyas
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use Kinemaster - it's for smartphones only BUT it allows A Roll and B Roll layering which you will need and thank me for... free too
what is the best tool for making video for a mobile app?
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hey there Yong, how about a product that searches, sorts, collates, learns, connects, prioritises and intuits all the information you need on a subject -- deep tech beyond google -- to solve the 2020 decade problem of needing USEFUL INFORMATION FAST?
looking for a idea for product
yong wang
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yes you need to 'be' the product you are -- there's a promise in every product... but when it comes time o go to market you need to be distinctive. And to get there, for me, there are 3 pillars: strategy, creativity and humanity (or human truth)...
Brand Personalities: do you think it's something that startups should care about?
Olga Trykush
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