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David Lumm
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Love remotion! Can't wait for you to reach Linux, but in the meantime I appreciate all the efforts to get it right on one platform before spreading yourselves too thin!

Remotion 2.0
A virtual office for your hybrid team, right on your desktop

David Lumm
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Would love to use this, or something like it. Do you have a plan for a linux client?

Around 2.0
Video calls for the future of hybrid-remote work

David Lumm
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I just hope it can live up to the hype. The hololens has got quite a headstart on magic leap and is pretty similar, so far as I can tell. This first product is going to have to do fairly well for them.

Magic Leap One
Super stealthy AR startup reveals its first product

David Lumm
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I tried Tribe a little while back, but I couldn't get any of my friends and family to join, which sucked. This looks like a really cool addition. Now I just need to try again to get people to join!
Tribe Games
Launch multiplayer games, in group video calls. 🎮

David Lumm
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Love the look and the general idea. Also love that you are using existing open source hub software with a strong community. Is it possible to have multiple devices and for you to do all tasks through all devices? Can you add a new Covi as a slave device?
Speech enabled lamp & open source smart home hub

David Lumm
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This looks great, I love the concept. I'll need to have a play with this. Still meaning to have a go with Jasonette too.

A self-driving web app framework

David Lumm
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Is there an android release? Me and my 5 year old loved the first one!

Monument Valley 2
Sequel to the Apple Game of the Year 2014

David Lumm
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I had begun to wonder whether I had been wrong and this day would never come, but it has. Time to find a new todo app. It's unlikely to be this one.

Microsoft To-Do
An intelligent task management app

David Lumm
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Nice work @gliechtenstein, great idea and frankly a huge improvement on the current UI. However I *do* like to see what's trending, at least somewhere. Is that something you could fit in as a toggle option?
An alternative Twitter interface for hardcore users

David Lumm
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Love the idea, bit frustrated by the lack of Android app. There's plenty of ways you could have launched an app on both fronts as an MVP. Exponent, for instance, would've given you the opportunity to build a basic MVP and then migrate to React Native as the development increases. I'm sure it would've been sufficient for the UI in the screenshots.
Digital business card

David Lumm
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Love what you've done with the UX. It's about time somebody tried shaking it up a bit! My only question is, is there a Linux version? (Currently stuck on my Windows machine, so I can't tell if the download link detects OS)

Opera Neon
A concept of tomorrow’s web browser you can play with today.

David Lumm
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I like this idea, but I don't use Slack. I use Fleep. It would be great if it had a custom webhook option.

Get notified in Slack when your startup is mentioned online

David Lumm
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Looks really powerful! I've got a project I've been meaning to have a go at, this would probably make the MVP a lot quicker! @gliechtenstein is there an extension directory?

Jasonette Cross Platform
Make iOS and Android apps with just a single JSON

David Lumm
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Is that it now? Has Apple entirely lost the plot? $199 for a book? $19.99 would be understandable, but all that for a book of marketing shots? Are they that far up their own bums that they think this is a normal thing to do?

Designed by Apple in California
A book chronicling 20 years of Apple design, made by Apple

David Lumm
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Somehow I've missed Franz, but I've been looking for a tool like this for ages and considered creating my own. I'm looking forward to giving this a try!

Desktop messaging for over 48 email & messaging apps

David Lumm
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Love it! Great UI and very useful. Not sure why Google don't have something this complete themselves?

OK Google
Explore over 150 Google Now voice commands in one place

David Lumm
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I wish it was really an eBook and not just a PDF. Interested to read it though!

Content Marketing Playbook
Built from 12 years and 83,232,485 visits. By Hiten Shah.

David Lumm
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@_maxdeutsch you'll have to fight it out with Liraz Siri over who can absorb the most data the fastest:

Listen to audiobooks at ridiculously fast speeds