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Harry Strick
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I'm not sure why, but I got a promotional spam email from about this - if you want us to give you access to our emails for your application why would you send spam from a personal email with no info on how you get our emails (for me, it was my personal one)
Darwin Mail
Enhance Gmail to get your Google Inbox features back.

Harry Strick
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It looks like you've bought fake upvotes/have spam accounts upvoting, shady...

Manage campaigns from 20+ ad channels under one dashboard

Harry Strick
left a comment what's this? It says that you case study is fake, ran by you & was never actually an app
Howler AI 3.0
Get more press with automated PR campaigns powered by AI 🚀

Harry Strick
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Can you please explain how a line of code has the permission to change existing code on a website? Also, how do you automate the optimization A/B testing? Is this manual or done automatically? If automatic, what metrics do you use? Super interesting - thanks!

SEO split testing & automation platform

Harry Strick
left a comment
That is a sexy site

A new way to automate your social marketing. 🚀

Harry Strick
left a comment
Great new product, good job!
Pros: Awesome company, at Ranked we've been using them for our SEO free trial metrics & growth tracking, can't fault them!
Cons: None! Awesome company

Baremetrics Augmentation
Merge SaaS metrics w/ external data to get the whole picture

Harry Strick
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Cool concept, at Ranked we also pay our interns a decent wage, it's a great way to give them incentive & a good experience.

Living Wage Interns
Find internships in the UK that pay the Living Wage 🇬🇧

Harry Strick
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Looking forward to trying it out fully!
Pros: Looks great!
Cons: None so far

Design. Import. Publish.

Harry Strick
left a comment
We've been testing this out today (www.ranked.aI), looks awesome, go ChargeBee!
Pros: Streamlined, helpful for SaaS businesses
Cons: None so far!
Subscription analytics built on top of your billing system