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Jackie Simpson
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I can not wait to try your solution out, creating impactful presentations quickly has always been a challenge for me and Premast looks to be the solution that can really support me!!
Premast Presentation Co-Pilot
Generate AI images & text to your presentations in clicks

Jackie Simpson
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CharmIQ - Provides worksheets to customize cover letters, update resumes and prepare interview prep questions and more, all within seconds!
What tools or strategies do you rely on to simplify your job search?
Rohan Chaubey
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Jackie Simpson
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Congrats on the launch @michael_baumgartner - signed up and excited to take it for a spin!! The UI looks really nice and clear and happy to share more feedback soon!

Zebracat 2.0
Generate viral videos in seconds with AI

Jackie Simpson
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CharmIQ is a solution I CAN NOT live without in my daily life, whether personally or professionally. The amount of time I've saved as well as what i've been able to accomplish is unreal. I've built sales pitches in under minutes customized to the clients needs and objections, updated my resume, tailored my cover letter and generated interview prep questions in meer seconds per job opportunity,...
One workspace to rule all AI with 100+ templates for success

Jackie Simpson
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Congrats on the launch, what a smart solution, I can’t wait to see how I improve my score!!

Overcome tech neck with AirPods

Jackie Simpson
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Love this!!! Exactly what I needed this AM - thank you, sharing with others for sure!!

The Login Game
Login page that requires you to follow ridiculous rules

Jackie Simpson
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@mazen_kurdi Congrats on the launch of Lume! I just downloaded it and can't wait to see it in action and how it continues to evolve. I can definitely use less anxiety and stress in my life.

Get notified of rising stress levels before you even feel it

Jackie Simpson
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@skyraxai Congrats on Spiky AI! I'm excited to test this out. This solution is a game changer for sellers. I'd be interested to understand how you differentiate yourself in market. I've used a similar platform in a corporate role, but given it's price point it's too expensive for our growing small team, to which I think we can totally take advantage of Spikey to help our business grow! Congrats...
Real-time insights for faster, smarter sales decisions

Jackie Simpson
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@juanjovn these widgets are incredible and something I will definitely be using often, awesome work and congrats on the launch!

Widgets for Stripe
Your revenue info at a glance in the coolest way possible

Jackie Simpson
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As someone who has been in a seller role for most of my career, this is AWESOME!!! I’ll be sharing this with my network who can absolutely benefit - the fact that you only have to work with one provider to unlock with FullEnrich is a major benefit, congrats, this is great!!

FullEnrich 2.0
Waterfall enrichment for emails & phone numbers

Jackie Simpson
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This tool is fantastic, something I can see my team tapping into as we are continuing to launch our solution. I agree with commenters that it takes a bit of time to get your results, but assume response times will improve moving forward. Great job!!

Audience insights from 1B+ online discussions in 2 mins

Jackie Simpson
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Whoa, this is very cool and a game changer for so many different applications!!!

Platform for realtime voice and video AI