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  • Jeremy Leibs

    Jeremy Leibs

    Tool builder and software developer.
    14 points


    I am a software generalist who loves building tools and frameworks to enhance the overall productivity of other software engineers. I strongly believe that providing people with efficient access to the data their software produces is one of the largest contributors to productive development, testing, and debugging. This means I tend to spend a lot of time thinking about message-definition-formats, software execution frameworks, logging/replay infrastructure, and general system-reproducibility. I have a fondness for problems that interact with the physical world some way, which so far has kept me orbiting the domain of robotics and augmented reality devices.


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking

    Maker History

    • Rerun
      Visualize computer vision
      Feb 2023
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntFebruary 13th, 2023