Karen Swyszcz

Karen Swyszcz

Product Manager/Podcaster/Bookworm/INTJ
4 points
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Karen Swyszcz
Karen Swyszcz
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What kind of podcasts episodes do you prefer?

Took a break from my podcast, majority of them are audio only episodes. Recently I started to do video episodes. Thinking about re-launching, but keeping it simple and in true podcast format, audio-only. Curious to know what peoples' preferences are. Thanks in advance!
Karen Swyszcz
Karen Swyszcz
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Online Shopping Trends

What is the most important aspect to you when it comes to doing research while online shopping?
Karen Swyszcz
Karen Swyszcz
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Phone on DND/silent or put your phone in a different room altogether. Lol.
Fatma Daşman
Tips for techniques to maintain focus and productivity while working remotely
Fatma Daşman
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Karen Swyszcz
Karen Swyszcz
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Survey Responses For Idea Validation

Ideas to get people to respond to your survey without providing an incentive? (I don't have the budget to give everyone a Starbucks gift card, as much as I'd like to). Thanks in advance!
Karen Swyszcz
Karen Swyszcz
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Coffee! I usually drink tea only when I'm cold or sick. Lol.
Viola Schoell
Do you prefer tea or coffee? Why?
Viola Schoell
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