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We're putting the podcast on hiatus so we're closing out by talking about very actionable ways to came to this decision and how we're looking at the bright side of ending something we care about so that you can do the same.

When to Quit
Tips and techniques for knowing when to end a commitment

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Hey Everyone! Thanks for taking a look at Heartwitch. I'm excited for this app as there's nothing like this on the market with the Apple Watch. This app sends your heart rate data to a web browser window for use in live streams.
Why would you want to send your health data to a web browser window?
In the last few live years, live streams have become incredably popular and in many tense...

Live Stream Your Heart Rate

Heartwitch is a combination Apple Watch and Web Application for sending your health data to a web browser window. Heartwitch simply uses the sensors on the Apple Watch to detect your heart rate and it sends it through our servers directly to your browsers.

Live Stream Your Heart Rate

This is our third year-in-review and it's a bit different! We explore how to measure progress on longterm personal and professional goals, how to identify emotional baggage and understand how it influences your work, and different ways other people can help.

OK Year in Review, 2019
Some reflection on our OK 2019 and a glimpse at 2020

Laura Lopuch shares loads of email tips ranging from how to start the email, overall structure, getting the recipient to yes, no-nos to avoid, and how to set email goals that are achievable. Lots of tool recommendations in this episode, too!

Crafting a Great Email with Laura Lopuch
How to craft a great email and get the responses you want

Sophia Dagnon shares how to get your foot in the door over email and how to reach your customers. She also offers tips for getting started with cold emails and several great ways to learn more about email marketing.

Writing to Stand Out, with Sophia Dagnon
Position you and your product to stand out in the market

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I did a whole podcast episode on this as well as a blog post:
Essentially... stay organized. Have your topics ready, notes or script ready and stay on a recording schedule.
What are the top things to know when starting a podcast?
Francesco 🍫
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Allison Spooner, author of Flash in the Dark and The Problem with Humans, shares loads of tips for achieving your writing goals by using constraints, different methods for practicing writing, and how to apply these ideas to NaNoWriMo.

Flash fiction and other writing tips
Tips for achieving writing goals from author Allison Spooner

What a cleared calendar looks like,
How clearing the calendar can improve your productivity,
Why not fill up your calendar with work,
A clear calendar is open to interruption and stimulates creativity,
An experiment you can try at at the office,
And more.

Clear your Calendar! with Justin Jackson
More free time in your calendar may be the boost you need

What is neuroplasticity in simple terms? How do we develop more long-term memories and more complicated skills with less time and without binging? What about unlearning a bad habit? Tim Mitra covers all this and more.

Neuroplasticity with Tim Mitra
Tim Mitra shares simple approaches for learning at any age

Lots of tips about public speaking crammed in this episode! We cover ways public speaking can benefit you and others, how to find speaking gigs, refining your talk, transforming nervousness into excitement, and much more.

Practical Public Speaking Tips
Simple tips to become a better public speaker

"Events are a great way to get feedback from others and learn new things. Productivity isn’t just about doing it all yourself, but also about reaching out to others and educating yourself.
Jessica D'Amico, PeersConf organizer, shares tips for planning events.

Event Planning with Jessica D'Amico
Tips for planning big events from the organizer of PeersConf

We interview Pete Sena (@petesena) and explore the intersection of creativity and productivity, managing creative duties and other responsibilities, tips for managing creative people, and cultivating a creative skill.

Productive Creativity with Pete Sena
Growing creative skills with the founder of Digital Surgeons

In this episode we're exploring how to build momentum in your day. We talk about caffeine, calories, exercise, how to accommodate the kiddos, listening to your body to come up with a routine that's right for you, and what to do when things don't go as planned.

OK Productive - 26: Morning Momentum
Sleep habits and how to build momentum for the day

We cover a lot in this episode: when to start a podcast, how to brainstorm topics, quality recording on a budget, editing, art, social media, promoting episodes, and more.
If you're considering starting a podcast, we think this is a good place to learn how!

OK Productive 25: Productive Podcasting
How to make a podcast that doesn't require lots of attention

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@evan_fishman Toggl
What tool do you use for tracking your time management?
Evan Fishman
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@darko_kolev We talked about this on our episode where @eriklgillespie gave his top 3 disciplines:
1) Check Ins, Masterminds, Feedback, etc...
2) Waking Up
3) Restricting Availability to Distractions
We also listen our #1 thing we've found helpful recently. Mine was writing things down and not getting distracted...
What are your top productivity habits?
Darko Kolev
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In this episode: how we're applying lessons from Atomic Habits, getting better sleep, new parenting tips, what are we using besides Google Inbox, and more. We also follow up on new routines and goals — what's working, what's not, and what's changed.

OK Productive - 24: Mid-year Grab Bag
Erik and Leo follow up on goals and habits

In this episode, Christian Genco shares how he was distracted, chasing down new leads, and always in "worker" mode. This led to the creation of 3 Hat Productivity, a system of dividing work into three modes to stay focused on the right kinds of work.

OK Productive - 23: 3 Hat Productivity
Christian Genco splits work into 3 modes to get more done