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Michael Gammon
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Absolutely not a failure, take your time Matej, looking forward to it when it's ready :)
Launch RESCHEDULED. Is this a failure?
Matej Cabadaj
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Michael Gammon
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Supported, good luck guys! :)
🔥 Adsby is now live on Product Hunt🚀
Cem Özçelik
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Michael Gammon
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Happy to support Dóra :)
Exciting day: Intent is LIVE 🚀
Dóra Izsáki
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Michael Gammon
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We chose Monday - not too quiet, not too competetive, we came 5th :), we have already launched Anastasia but could do with more support: (
How did you choose you launch day?
Anastasia Liamets
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Michael Gammon
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We have already launched Victoria but could do with more support: (
Who's gonna launching soon? Share your product and lets get to know the future stars!
Victoriia Shymanska
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Michael Gammon
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I find the output of AI art random, occasionally brilliant but mostly a bit odd and disturbing at times. I will never replace the human touch and partnership that comes with working with a talented illustrator. Pleases support our page Coro and good luck dealing with this issue :) (
How to survive as a digital artist in the internet full of AI?
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Michael Gammon
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Well done CodeDesign, supported, Please support us:(
✨ Mission Accomplished (Thanks to YOU🙏) CodeDesign is now live on product hunt🚀
Rince Sebastian
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Michael Gammon
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I use a simplified version using MUI as a base, you don't need to go crazy on a unquie design system for every client, the usually just turn out to be vaniety projects and some of the products never get built anyway! Please support our page Daniel:
What make you struggle in design system ?
daniel roy
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Michael Gammon
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With Blox you can craft powerful financial models, automate data updates, collaborate and plan seamlessly and reclaim hundreds of lost hours spent on tedious tasks. Please support RK
What are you building? Drop your startup link 👇
RK Lokesh
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Michael Gammon
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Nice idea, useful, I like the UX, good luck

AI Form Roast by WorkHack
Free AI tool to audit and optimize online forms

Michael Gammon
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Excellent idea, love the user experience and design, good luck REI Litics!
REI Litics
Residential real estate investing simplified

Michael Gammon
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Supported Alessio, good luck!
What time do you wake up?⏰
Alessio Boost Software Agency
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Michael Gammon
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Love the user experience and branding, good luck today ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Project management system for IT freelancers & agencies

Michael Gammon
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Sure, Anh, make a short list of questions. Most important are their goals, pain points, and the magic wand question for me. i.e., if you could wave a wand, what software would you create to make your life easier? Let them speak, do not lead or frame the questioning. Record the interview if you can or use a transcriber like
Any advice for interviewing users who you don't know beforehand?
Anh Ngo (Austin)
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Michael Gammon
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Love the video Julia, supported.
We launched today with Flipner and I invite you to watch a video that I recorded for our launch!
Julia Doronina
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Michael Gammon
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Supported and commented, good luck Emliy!
We're launching today! Help support 💕 🚀
Emily Hunkler
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Michael Gammon
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Excellent idea Emily, love your design and UX, good luck

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