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Mike Kennedy
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The beauty in this is that it’s so simple but strangely I had never even considered I might want this. Great idea! Congratulations!

Reddit Insights
A browser extension that enhances your Reddit experience

Mike Kennedy
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Hey Product Hunt! I’m Mike, CEO and Co-Founder of JinbuPal 👋. I am very excited to be sharing JinbuPal v2.0 with you today. We initially launched JinbuPal in February 2021 without having been a part of the Product Hunt community, so we are really looking forward to debuting our Version 2.0 with you today! I’ll be here to address any feedback or questions you may have.
I’m so excited to see...
Learning Chinese doesn’t have to be difficult

Mike Kennedy
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This is really cool. Love the design. I was literally just thinking yesterday how I needed something like this! Congrats!

Minimal copy and paste tool for Mac

Mike Kennedy
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Sleep after a long launch day. Pulling 24 hours to monitor a launch takes a lot of caffeine. Props to everyone out here burning the midnight oil!
Happy Friday! What are you looking forward to this weekend?
Alessandra Mikail
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Mike Kennedy
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I tried it out and I must say that the interface is really well done. I think visually it looks fantastic. The style of all of the images throughout are great. Aside from your need to train the AI as you already mentioned, there are few small points of feedback that I have about the interface. I hope these are helpful:
-I really liked that low friction nature of the app, allowing me to read...
🚀 What did you think of Ada (launched yesterday)?
Geetanjali Shrivastava
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Mike Kennedy
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Thanks for sharing!
LinkedIn Product Hunt Community
Dávid Sipos
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JinbuPal is a Chinese learning web app that helps you quickly master the most common Chinese characters and recognize 95% of real content. JinbuPal uniquely enhances learning for maximized progress by allowing effortless personalization of your daily study.
Learning Chinese doesn’t have to be difficult

Mike Kennedy
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Very cool idea and great video! Congratulations on the launch!

Keyboard shortcuts for every button in macOS

Mike Kennedy
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-YouTube Playback Speed Control
-Zhongwen Chinese Popup Dictionary (for reading Chinese content online)
Which Chrome Extensions can you not live without?
Giovanni Ghigliotti
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Mike Kennedy
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Things 3. I'd be lost without it
Hi I need suggestion for an app-for daily task management.
Hadia Khawar
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Mike Kennedy
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I am launching my Chinese language learning app JinbuPal tomorrow. I've spent many hours learning about language acquisition research and I've also put these concepts into practice with success.
As others have mentioned here, language immersion is the best approach, but I'd like to elaborate on that a bit more. If you are interested in learning more of the details and supporting research, I'd...
What is the most effective way to learn a new language?
Vishal Patel
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Mike Kennedy
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Sounds pretty cool from the little information shared on the teaser page. Looking forward to seeing it and signing up on Friday! Best of luck!
On the topic of pitch decks, I'm launching tomorrow and I made my pitch with Keynote. It truly amazes me how powerful Keynote is.
For anyone reading that is interested in seeing what is possible with Keynote, follow my upcoming launch and check out the...
Launching on Friday
Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO
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Mike Kennedy
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I was trying to come up with an interactive classroom game to be incorporated into my Chinese language learning app, JinbuPal. For many reasons that are difficult to explain here, it was very challenging to come up with a game concept that would work and also encourage students to be self-motivated. So instead of racking my brain too hard, I listed out all of the constraints and requirement...
What's the most interesting way you've used ChatGPT for your business?
Evan Lewis
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Mike Kennedy
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I’m just glad to know there’s now a way to bypass being locked out when traffic overloads the site.
What are your thoughts on the paid version of Chat GPT?
Alessandra Mikail
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Mike Kennedy
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Language input is key! That is, reading and listening. You should be reading as much native level content as you possibly can. Over time, you will acquire vocabulary and sentence structures such that they feel nature to you. I would recommend reading into Stephen Krashen and his “Comprehensible Input” research. (I own a Chinese language learning app called JinbuPal and we heavily utilize these...
How to improve language skills?
Leo Szac
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Mike Kennedy
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If I know that what I’m procrastinating is important and that it is definitely worth completing, I just remind myself that the first 5 minutes of work is always the hardest part. Then once you’ve gotten going, you’ll usually get in the zone quickly and it won’t feel like work.
However, the hardest situation is when you have multiple tasks on your list and your lack of motivation lies in being...
How do you handle with lack of motivation?

Mike Kennedy
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Congratulations on the launch! I’m a big proponent of the input hypothesis and this seems like a great resource!
One small piece of feedback I wanted to share is that at first glance I confused the name with iTalki, another popular language learning app. I just wanted to mention it as the confusion with the similar name may be something others experience as well.
Find foreign books according to your language level

Mike Kennedy
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Idea generation. If I’m working on any creative task, I pose the question to ChatGPT to get the ideas flowing.
What do you use ChatGPT for?
Ankur Singh
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Mike Kennedy
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I almost answered and then I scrolled down and saw ChatGPT so many times. I couldn't agree more. ChatGPT!
What is the best product that you discovered in 2022?
Sveta Bay
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