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Neel Lukka
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Congrats on the launch @anson_kao product looks great.
A video platform built for large social groups

Neel Lukka
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We're excited to feature AccessPatrol with some of the latest technology in Data Loss Prevention. Full customization and ability to replace GFI Endpoint Security which is End of Engineering Life.

Solution for securing company endpoints (USB, iPhones, etc)

Manage Data Leakage and Data Loss Prevention
Prevent USB Drive Access
Centralized Endpoint Security
Device Access Control

Solution for securing company endpoints (USB, iPhones, etc)

Neel Lukka
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Nice work Minu! Do you see yourself expanding this to allow for more tagging for each type of play and video? For example, it would be interesting to choose 3PT jump shot, misses so you can see all the instances when a player took a 3pt shot that they missed to spot trends.

Your favorite plays from the NBA

Neel Lukka
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Great work! We've been using Zenhub since you launched 3 years ago and love the updates.
ZenHub 3.0
PM app built uniquely for developers and PMs on GitHub.

Neel Lukka
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I've been using the extension for a few months and it has given me great insights about the people I'm contacting and connecting with. Keep up the good work! 👍🏻
Build relationships, grow sales.

Neel Lukka
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I'm excited to share Lokely App. @sean_langton and team have built a great way to get recommendations from locals (Lokes!) in different areas, the best type of recommendation!

Helping you discover new places and events in any city

Helping you discover new places and events in any city

Neel Lukka
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Hey Guys, cool idea but there's some errors in these metrics and calculations. For example under AMZN "IPO Valuation" isn't a correct term, that's the amount they raised but that's not the valuation of the Company at IPO time. PM me on Twitter and I can point out the errors in this logic.
IPO List
Curated list of publicly traded tech companies. 🦄

Neel Lukka
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Hope they also launch screen share soon. Main reason we still use Hangouts

Slack Video Calls
Talking face-to-face with your team is just one click away

Neel Lukka
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Just signed up! Excited to see how you incorporate suggested answers between all the different Intercom products to help customers get solutions faster & also help us identify new content that should be written / gaps.

Intercom Educate
What a knowledge base should be–personal and intelligent

Neel Lukka
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Looping in another of the makers @m1k3_c

Easy Spotify playlist sharing and collaboration

Neel Lukka
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Excited to hunt TrackStack, a great easy way to collaborate on Spotify playists. Whether its for a party, wedding or just for fun, TrackStack makes it super easy to share & collaborate. Nice work to the makers @beyondeminc & @icmdev

Easy Spotify playlist sharing and collaboration

Easy Spotify playlist sharing and collaboration

Neel Lukka
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Simple to use interface, suggests songs & connect to your Spotify Premium account!

Serato Pyro
Seamlessy beatmixing your Spotify library.

Neel Lukka
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Love this feature, cancelled Apple Music as I didn't like their discovery element. This chart listing may also lead me to cancel Spotify Premium

SoundCloud Charts
The most played tracks on SoundCloud this week

Neel Lukka
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Rare insight to the juggernaut that is the NFL. As a sports fan, and someone who has a keen interest in the business of sports, Brian Rolapp provides a unique perspective into digital media distribution of NFL and other key topics.

Re/code Decode - Brian Rolapp, NFL Media Czar
The rights of the soon-to-be auctioned video games

Neel Lukka
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First order of business get @mazzeo on for a few quotes on the the startup podcast with @abexlumberg !

Lowercase Alpha
Handpicked beta products from Lowercase founders and friends

Neel Lukka
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Congrats on launching Firefox product support. We've been using Zenhub at Gata Labs for almost a year and we're one of the early users. Glad to see the product continuing to flourish, can't do without it!
ZenHub for Firefox
Turn GitHub into a project management suite! Plus, socks