Soumil Rathi

Soumil Rathi

Founder of SkillPool | AI Enthusiast
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Soumil Rathi
Soumil Rathi
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Happy birthday! Thanks for the resources, massive value here!
Ghost Kitty
Today is my birthday 🥳 Grateful for this community + Gift
+1 comment
Soumil Rathi
Soumil Rathi
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Congrats! Massive achievement 🚀 Arbor sounds really interesting as well. Is it intended as a new browser or an addon to search?
Gene Cheung
#2 of the day, Featured in PH Newsletter! 🥳 PH Community, thanks for the love! 💕
+1 comment
Soumil Rathi
Soumil Rathi
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Who's launching soon?

Plug your products below, let's support each other!
Soumil Rathi
Soumil Rathi
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Launching soon here! The product is SkillPool, and here's your description: Recruitment on Steroids.
Victoria Koval
Anyone about to launch? Describe your product in 1-2 words :)
Victoria Koval
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Soumil Rathi
Soumil Rathi
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Congratulations on the launch! You have my support!
Magdalena Tran
Thank you all for your support, finished top 3 on our launch ❤️
Magdalena Tran
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Soumil Rathi
Soumil Rathi
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Just hit a 25 day Streak!

I started to get involved with the Product Hunt community around a month ago, and decided to get serious 25 days back. Especially with my product coming out within the next month, it has been great to see the community be so proactive and supportive of everybody. Hoping for many more days within the community! What has your experiences been like?
Soumil Rathi
Soumil Rathi
started a discussion

What do you think separates the Top 5 launches from the others?

What are some of the key traits you've noticed in the launches that make it successful as opposed to the ones that don't?
Soumil Rathi
Soumil Rathi
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Congrats! That's an amazing achievement. How much time did you spend on ProductHunt before that?
Currently #5 product of the day for my first ever launch 🤩