Shoe Leather is a database of writers in non-media-hub cities, to eliminate "parachute journalism" and help empower local journalists to tell their stories on a national level. The goal is that editors can never again say, "but we just don't know anyone on the ground!"

Mati is an ID verification tool that helps companies onboard their users with a layer of trust and security attached. Whether you’re a startup that has to perform KYC/AML checks on all users, or an established sharing-economy company that wants a higher level of safety and trust, you can now automate this process using our simple 10min integration.

Archive of handheld games. In 1976, Mattel introduced the first handheld electronic game with the release of Auto Race. Later, several companies—including Coleco and Milton Bradley—made their own single-game, lightweight table-top or handheld electronic game devices. The oldest true handheld game console with interchangeable cartridges is the Milton Bradley Microvision in 1979.