Are you a morning person or rather a night owl?

Daniel Engels
176 replies
Lots of developers and a fair share of marketers could be qualified as night owls who don't want to be bothered till 11 am. Some other professionals are more efficient early in the morning. What about you? Let's get a snapshop of PH community!


Matt Heslington
Both. Between midday and around 5pm is my least productive time.
Daniel Engels
@mattheslington the good thing, this is the time when most of the businesses and administrations are open. Even in the neighbour time zones.
Sunil Khedar
Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
Night owl for sure. Whatever daylight I get, it is spent in different meetings. And my work starts at dawn. :)
Sunil Khedar
Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
@daniel_engels I do :). But most of the time these meetings are for team to organise themselves for the rest of the day.
Aaron O'Leary
Morning for sure, at least in terms of work, I like to get a large amount of work done in the early hours, can then be a little more relaxed in the afternoon and reserve the night for netflix and some good food!
@aaronoleary I'm the same way. Mornings are definitely more productive to me it seems like. By the way, I'm looking for feedback on AnyGo, a tool used to easily compare the cost of driving and flying between U.S. cities. You can find it on my profile page. Thanks Aaron!
Aaron O'Leary
@dcodes I'll for sure take a look!
Chen Friedman
I really love the night time calmness to be honest and really feel I'm at my most productive time just then. Not always the best time to work though.
Used to be a night owl, love to be a night owl, but family and children forced me to be a morning person :D
Chrystal Cienfuegos
Am I allowed to say neither? :P jk I'd say night but it depends. Whenever I can get the time, I have to take it.
Julian Aubourg
Funny. I wake up at noon after having worked till 5am and I stumble upon this post. I wouldn't recommend my not-quite-healthy habits but I have to admit night time is perfect for cracking hard problems. It's like you're in some sort of cocoon. Of course, the fact it's hot as hell during the day right now is another factor.
Maksym Astakhov
It depends on what I need to do. Some hard tasks are better evening time. Easy but mechanical work in the morning.
Naoto Shibata
I'm a night owl but want to be a morning person. Coding makes me awake at night every day.
Artem Fedoskin
I am leaning more toward being a morning person, though I don't mind staying up late occasionally. Waking up early makes me feel I have more time to do meaningful things.
Anna Grigoryan
It's 2am here, so I guess the answer is obvious :)
Michael Andreuzza
Morning all the way,but I can definitely work super Kate on my side projects and feel fine with it!
Daniel Engels
@michael_andreuzza you manage to allocate some time to your side projects a s a founder?
Michael Andreuzza
@daniel_engels I sold my SAAS and one project together. Right now I have a lot of time, I still do work 9 - 5. Time to build another one... My side projects become paid projects, I make time for it. If there's a will there's a way.
Ramya Bhaskar
Duonut | Conversational AI survey.
My answer would be a combination of options 1 and 3. Normal days morning person, but can adapt if requires.
Greg Zen at
I've always found myself less distracted/more productive at night BUT, after learning the incredible health detriments to fighting against a normal daily circadian rhythm (sunrise to sunset), I'm almost always a day person now.
Daniel Engels
@mrgregzen I didn't know of any negative effects (provided you sleep enough hours). Is it something well-proven?
Greg Zen at
@daniel_engels yes sir. I highly recommend checking out The Huberman Lab podcast to learn more. It's a frequent discussion point but you can get a really good education on the subject by listening to the light exposure, and sleep episodes Light was a little more recent, and the show started with 2 or 3 episodes dedicated to sleep.
Prashanth Guru
I was a morning person till I joined route. Since my two co-founders are night owls, eventually I wasn't left with any choice. So I am a Night owl too :)
Daniel Engels
@prasshanth_guru it should have been difficult to change your habits, wasn't it?
Definitely in the Night Owl position!
Samir Rashed
I like to wake up morning every day and finish many tasks as much as I can more than night
I need a fourth option: Tired afternoon duck. Unconventional but I enjoy doing easy work in the morning and only deep work in the afternoon.
Utku Uzun
I can see my laptop screen much easier at night and also the silence during the night makes me more productive.
Better be a morning person when being a parent πŸ˜