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  • Best way to show a new product to users?

    Ivan Spadacenta
    0 replies
    The main difficulty I encounter when introducing a new product is telling people about it. When dealing with people I know, perhaps with whom I can arrange a call, it's just a matter of the time they are willing to dedicate. But when it comes to generic users, with whom we have no direct contact, it's a whole different story. Typically, a demo/trial is offered in which the user is asked to sign up and given access to a limited version of the product. But simply having to sign up could be an obstacle that limits the number of users who actually see the product. For what I am working on, I thought about creating a page where the user can test the main function of the product (writing an article using AI about any recent news) simply by writing the keywords that identify the news, choosing the language they prefer (if the one pre-set by the browser doesn't work for them) and clicking a button. I couldn't imagine anything simpler. Of course, this demo shows the main function of the product; the one that should not necessarily amaze them, but make them appreciate that the tool actually manages to do its main task easily and well. This might then make it more likely for them to explore the features on the main website or sign up for the trial version to try out the additional functions (direct publication of articles, choice of photos, and more). What do you think? Is this the best method? Should I explore other options?
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