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  • How do you choose the right technologies (among many) to get competitive edge?

    Nadezhda Babushkina
    6 replies


    Gaurav verma
    Someone once said to me that I'll become invisible in the things I like and enjoy. No matter the industry, skill, or work if I like it, I'll be successful. I've seen people do incredible things with CSS that people can't do with javascript. Choose the technology which you actually enjoy using. People tell you to not use python for web development but I built substor.com in python. Why? I do not care about the disadvantages of python. I like python so I used it.
    Nadezhda Babushkina
    @gaurav_verma10 thank you for the advice! Recently I started to think about what technologies would give me an advantage. Maybe I’m asking this too early
    Gaurav verma
    @nadenade Maybe yes, speed matters but when you have a large user base. Early adopters do not care about the speed. They care about the features.
    Sven Radavics
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    I'd say don't over think it. Sometimes the competitive edge is really about getting started quickly by using the tools you know already.
    Nadezhda Babushkina
    @sven_radavics thank you so much Sven! I’d be asking about mature startups and it looks like I wasn’t clear asking this question! I totally agree about starting quickly and at least test the idea