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  • Let's give each other feedback on our landing pages.

    Deepak Kumar Prabakaran
    3 replies
    I'm excited to see everyone's landing pages. I think they're all so different and interesting—and it's great to see people taking the time to think about their content, format, and design. What's that saying? Give a man a fish; he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he eats for a lifetime. We'll be giving feedback on each other's landing pages, so if you've got a link to share in the comments, that'd be great! Before you post your link in the comments below, take some time to give someone else feedback on their page first. Remember: no matter how small or big the change might be, we always want more than we had before! I'll go first; I'm building https://www.scrollme.today - Bring all your content on one page, one link.


    Richard Gao
    Your website is great but I only have one small criticism Make the header text explain what the product does rather than using marketing speak "All your content in one place" is probably a better slogan As for my site: evoke-app.com AI as a service for devs making AI apps
    Deepak Kumar Prabakaran
    @richard_gao2 Thanks for the feedback! I need to do some A/B testing on the headline. I have a few people say that headline to me now. Now feedback on your website: The Headline looks perfect! What's missing: Usecase, can you show some examples or what can be done. Help me imagine the value of your company.
    Richard Gao
    @deepak09 Thanks for the feedback! People making AI apps will see the use case immediately, but it's definitely important for those less knowledgeable in AI, so will keep in my mind