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  • What feature do you think Product Hunt is still missing to be even better?

    Chris Sarca
    12 replies


    Sidra Arif
    Dialog AI
    Dialog AI
    Launching soon!
    I think there should be a feature of direct messaging.
    Direct messaging would make connecting with community so much easier.
    Matt Harbord
    Downvotes, blocks and the ability to sort discussions board by latest post.
    Matt Harbord
    @jason_andries1 👍 - I was looking for the ability to sort by last responded, some discussions are not necessarily "popular" but get responses on a daily basis - i.e. an in depth discussion. These basically are undiscoverable by anyone who isn't in the discussion from the start. Being able to sort by comment count or last commented would encourage engagement with slower, more in depth discussions.
    Anoir Houmou
    Direct messages would be great
    Olatz Urrutia
    I agree with most of the comments here, DMs would be muchly appreciated, right now in order to talk with someone you have to go to their profile and see if they offer any social networking which is a pain...
    Shubham Pratap Singh
    1: My discussion, which show all created discussion at one place. 2: Show number of online users 3: DM option
    Chris Sarca
    @shubham_pratap You can see your discussions and posts in the Activity tab from your profile. As for showing the number of online users, would be really helpful.