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  • What's the best way to get feedback about your landing page?

    Evgeniy Kosjakov
    12 replies
    Let's say you have a small startup (meaning you don't have a huge budget for full UI/UX research), and you want to get feedback about your landing page. Where will you ask for feedback? ProductHunt's discussions, Reddit, Indie Hackers?


    Gaurav Parvadiya
    Sven Radavics
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    Twitter is where I usually ask
    Sven Radavics
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    @evgeniy_kosjakov you know, one of the things they never tell you in the 'experts way to go from 0 to 8000' subscribers in a month posts....is that one of the fastest ways of finding engagement on twitter is to ask for help. I find 'tech twitter' or 'startup twitter' filled with super helpful people.
    Öykü Şahin
    You can check out Productdoctor.co! You can get your free landing page audit in seconds by answering some questions.
    Fellype Nascimento
    Use different channels, I usually: 1 - Ask for friends and family feedback 2 - Post it and ask for feedbacks on online communities 3 - Use tools like Maze design to test it more seriously. Tip: Don't just ask for feedback, but give people tasks, like: "Find a product and add to chart" etc. If you get a chance to observe people doing it you'll see how important is, because people tend to tell you what you want to hear.
    Lalesultan Güneş
    I probably would survey potential clients.