Briq is on a mission: help teams build a unique company culture in minutes, not years! 👫👭
Briq lets you show recognition thanks to virtual credits with a simple Slack command. Celebrate small and big wins, engage your teammates, and spread recognition in your company every single day.
We're supper happy users of Briq, here at Slite. The team behind Briq built an incredible product, super easy to use and which brings a truly new dimension to the way we celebrate each of our daily micro milestones.
The idea behind briq is super simple : you can give briq, and receive some from your colleague via Slack commands. The way you use them afterwhile is up to your team : you can use one of their apps or code your own.
This is especially useful as part of our team is working remotely : it brings back some non-verbal elements of communication you experience in an office.
It clearly has become essential in our daily live @🛰 🤗
Briq has a super positive impact on team dynamics, empowering everyone to thank each other and recognize team members' accomplishments/help/ideas etc!
I just want to share briq with my girlfriend now, and my mom, and my dog - Briq for al
Would love to see more and more Briq based application to engage my colleagues, but fortunately Briq has an API for that!
Get more social share is awesome and works well in my slack community. I don't need to ask each community member to share news we need to get awareness. #timesaver
We have ambassadors working for us. It is easier to reward them via their implication in Slack (answer to new members, add documentation on knowledge base).