Our platform crawls your website, learns everything about it, and generates a chatbot that answers user questions perfectly. Fine-tune and add context to make it even better. Analytic tools included for mind-reading insights. Easy integration to your site!
If you are a freelancer hoping to land a job as a blogger from a person who claims to own this product, think again. He's paying his freelancers $3 per hour, why would he pay you $35-60? The job post is just to promote his product and get an upvote. Business owners should stop this marketing gimmick. If you are fooling honest workers, why should we trust you with our money? You should google what happened to Articly.ai. Their job posts were mass-reported from Upwork.
This is a great tool, I have worked in the chatbot space before. This is a fantastic and cost effective solution for your website. It takes a fraction of the time as alternatives to set up, the API is great, and your customers will get instant answers to their common questions without having to pay for outsourced call center services.
I like the fact that its pretty accurate and super quick to implement. However i have been struggling to reduce the height on my desktop version. It gets cut off. What's a good way to fix it?
It looks fine on the phone. Wish i could upload a snapshot here.
Arsturn is a game-changer for any website owner looking to improve their customer service. The chatbot is incredibly easy to set up and use, and it was able to answer all of my questions quickly and accurately. The analytics tools are also incredibly useful, allowing me to gain deeper insights into my visitors' interests and needs.