Launched on September 20th, 2017
Directly embedding smart help components into your existing interface (like search, auto-suggestions, or full articles) via HTML or the point and click, your UX, and customer education become intertwined. Leading to increases in engagement & retention, and a drop to support loads. Allowing companies to truly scale, without needing to scale support
elevio provides companies with a streamlined way to deliver knowledge to their users in-app, bringing context to content.
This same delivery allows us to use data to create an intelligent feedback loop to guide you on what content needs creation or updating in your knowledge base.
They have a great team, very responsive to your questions. I'm so happy I discovered them! They have helped our support team by making it simple for our customers to find quick answers. Saving us time and allowing us to focus on our products.
I have always had great support from the Elevio team and they have taken on board my thoughts and experiences and included this in future updates of the platform. All in all a great product that "does exactly what is says on the box".
Cheers guys