Best tech support and application development team. Product is regularly updated, tweaked and fine tuned.
Bitdefender shut it down because of this: An infected file attempted to run on your device. Threat name: Gen:Variant.Application.MAC.Miner.2 Path: /Users/pthomas/Library/Application Support/Honey Miner/miners/8900114/HoneyMiner_XM We quarantined the file to prevent malicious commands from being executed on your device.
Love the concept and the community that has sprung up around Diggy.
If you're not using Honeyminer, your computer is failing you. Earn that passive income now!
Look, you have to stop playing fortnite at some stage. Might as well earn bitcoins while you sleep.
Honeyminer rules! Love this product, great UI and they make earning crypto on any computer super simple! 🍯