Audiblogs lets you listen to any web article in your podcast player in an Audible-like voice. Use it to "read" while you exercise, cook, do house chores, etc.
Audio is the new trend for consuming content. But while everyone's listening to podcasts, you're still writing articles. Why not serve people where they're at? With Blogcast, you can generate audio versions of your articles, automatically.
So whenever you find an article or blog post online, simply send it to the Verblr app, and get that content turned into a podcast you can listen to - instantly.
Convert news articles to audio in 30+ languages ️Aggregate news from major publications ️Save articles for later use—Create your own library ️Personalize your news— Only see news you care about ️Conveniently open/save web articles from our chrome extension
Turn the Web into life-like speech using Woord. The voices are natural and you can choose between different genders or neutral voices. Also, you can convert large documents or books into audio with one simple click or using our API.
Freshreader lets you save content from all around the web to read it later, and will automatically let go of items after 7 days. No more reading list so large you dread opening it. Read what you find interesting, then let go of the rest. ✌️
With Blogcast, you can finally listen to top articles! We’ve partnered with world-renowned writers to narrate their most popular content. Whether you’re doing chores or just taking a break from screens, you can learn something new on your schedule.